Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Getting Started
What is Free Media Hub?
Free Media Hub is a vibrant community of creatives sharing royalty-free HD photos, stock images, illustrations, vectors, high-quality videos, animated GIFs, and audio music. All content is released under the Free Media Hub License, making it safe to use without attribution, even for commercial purposes.
How can I upload media to Free Media Hub?
To upload photos, videos, music, illustrations, GIFs, sound effects, and vectors, you need to be a registered user. If you're not yet registered, you can sign up here. Once registered, click the "Upload" button in the top right corner of the page to submit your media.
Can I use your media?
Yes, you can copy, modify, distribute, and use Free Media Hub's royalty-free stock photos, illustrations, videos, music, GIFs, vectors, and sound effects, even for commercial purposes. However, depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity, or privacy rights. Learn more about the Free Media Hub License.
Are all media on Free Media Hub free to use?
Yes, all photos, illustrations, videos, music, animated GIFs, vectors, and sound effects on Free Media Hub are free for commercial and non-commercial use. While no payment is needed, crediting the contributor is appreciated as it provides exposure to their work and encourages continued sharing.
How can I download media from Free Media Hub?
To download media, navigate to the specific media page and click the 'Free Download' button. Choose the desired size and click 'Download'. You may need to sign up to download full-resolution files; you can sign up here.
License & Terms
Can I use media without making any alterations?
Yes, you can use Free Media Hub content in its original form. However, you cannot:
Sell copies of content without meaningful alterations (e.g., selling an exact copy as posters, prints, greeting cards, mugs, t-shirts, or other merchandise).
Redistribute or sell Free Media Hub content as digital content or digital wallpapers (such as on stock media websites or as NFTs).
For more details, refer to our license.
If I wish to use media on a product, how much do I need to alter it?
Consider whether your product effectively amounts to reselling the original image. If a reasonable person would view your product and the original image as identical or nearly identical, more creative effort is needed.
Downloads and Donations
Is it possible to donate to contributors?
Yes, while not required, we allow users to make donations to contributors. This support encourages them to continue sharing high-quality content.
Technical Support
I'm having trouble uploading/downloading media. What should I do?
Ensure you're using a supported browser and that it's up to date. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, and try again. If issues persist, contact our support team with details about the problem.
Community Guidelines
What are the guidelines for contributing content?
Contributors should upload high-quality, original content that complies with our terms of service. Avoid uploading content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or privacy rights. For detailed guidelines, refer to our contributor guidelines.
Account Management
How can I delete my account?
If you wish to delete your account, please contact our support team with your request. Note that this action is irreversible, and all your uploaded content and account information will be permanently removed.
Privacy and Security
How does Free Media Hub protect my personal information?
We take your privacy seriously and implement industry-standard measures to protect your data. For detailed information, please review our Privacy Policy.
Can I use Free Media Hub content in AI-generated works?
Yes, you can incorporate Free Media Hub content into AI-generated works, provided you comply with our license terms and ensure that the use does not infringe on any rights.
Where can I find more information about Free Media Hub's terms and policies?
You can find detailed information in our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Content License Summary available on our website.
Note: This FAQ is for informational purposes only. For legally binding terms, refer to our official policies and agreements.