Content License Summary
Welcome to Free Media Hub! We are a dynamic community of authors, artists, and creators sharing royalty-free images, videos, audio, and other media (collectively referred to as "Content"). By accessing, using, or contributing Content, you agree to comply with our Content License.
We strive to keep things straightforward. Below is a brief overview of our Content License. Please note that only the full Content License is legally binding.
Permitted Uses of Content
Subject to the Prohibited Uses outlined below, our Content License allows you to:
Use Content for Free: Access and utilize Content without any cost.
No Attribution Required: Use Content without attributing the author, though credit is always appreciated by our community.
Modify or Adapt Content: Alter or incorporate Content into new works as you see fit.
Prohibited Uses of Content
The following uses are not permitted:
Resale or Redistribution: You may not sell or distribute Content in its original, unaltered form, whether digitally or physically. This includes selling as stock images, posters, or prints.
Trademarked Content: If Content contains recognizable trademarks, logos, or brands, you cannot use it for commercial purposes related to goods and services, such as printing on merchandise for sale.
Immoral or Illegal Use: Using Content in any immoral, illegal, or defamatory manner, especially when it features recognizable individuals, is prohibited.
Misleading Use: You cannot use Content in a deceptive or misleading way.
Trademark or Service Mark: Using any Content as part of a trademark, design mark, trade name, business name, or service mark is not allowed.
Please be aware that certain Content may be subject to additional intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, design rights, moral rights, proprietary rights, property rights, privacy rights, or similar. It is your responsibility to determine whether you need consent from third parties or additional licenses to use the Content appropriately.